The tests are classified as:
Acceptance tests are aimed at control of the conformity of coolers to KRYOTHERM standards and customer’s specifications. 100% of the coolers produced are subjected to this test.
Acceptance tests include:
Periodical tests are aimed at control of the technological processes used for TEC manufacturing.
Periodical tests are performed on 2-3 types of coolers at least once a 1/2 year. Two coolers of each type that have passed the acceptance tests in full volume are subjected to this test.
In the case the existing technological processes are modified or new processes are introduced, unscheduled periodical tests of the products manufactured by using the new or modified technology are carried out. Periodical tests conform to the requirements of КРЕШ 432210.001 ТУ.
Periodical tests include:
Reliability tests are performed for the TECs on which more strict requirements to operational reliability are specified.
Reliability tests include:
Standardized tests are aimed at estimation of the effectiveness and advisability of introducing changes in the methods of TECs production and the using new materials and components. The content of tests is determined by the type of supposed changes.
All inspections and tests of TECs, unless otherwise specified, are conducted under normal climatic conditions: air temperature - (25±10°С), relative humidity of air - 45-80%, atmospheric pressure - 84-106.7 kPa (630-800 mmHg)
Additional tests can be performed at a special customer’s request. The content and parameters of these tests are agreed with the customer and depend on the anticipated TEC application.